PlantSwap FAQ

Things you’ve asked us about PlantSwap!

Will you host a plant swap in my city or at my cafe/ festival/ event?

Come talk to us! Or drop us a message.

I can’t come to this plant swap, when is your next one?

We hold swaps every two months and announce their dates here and on our Instagram, Twitter and Facebook pages. Sign up to our mailing list below and we will email to let you know.

Can I still come if I have nothing to swap?

Absolutely! Even if you have no plants to swap then you can still take one home if you make a donation.

Do I need to book tickets? Do you charge an entry fee?

No and no! Just show up on the day but please do make a donation to cover our ongoing costs. These include printing, web-hosting, travelling, storing plants and generally organising, hosting and making plant swap happen!

You can also make a donation towards running costs via the ‘buy us a coffee’ button below –

Do you just swap house plants?

We also swap garden plants, plant pots and other plant related bits and pieces.

What happens to any plants left at the end?

Good question.
We go through several stages of bargaining.
First we tell everyone to stop being so shy and take MORE plants.
Then we try to secrete plants about people’s persons as they leave.
Then we give plants to our hosts until they beg us to stop.
Eventually Sarah and I fight it out over who is going to take home the stragglers and I usually lose.

Then they come and live with me until the next plant swap and my children threaten to leave home if they have to share house space with anymore plants!

Still got questions?

We’d love to hear from you and happy to answer any questions so please get in touch.